Thursday, September 4, 2008

fright night

you're frightened, but why should you be? you think this might cost you your gig - your eight dollar an hour piece of paradise. but trust me, it won't. the last thing anyone in charge of the place wants to do is prove a point by axing some lowlife data entry guy. get a life. besides, i know what you're up to...


Badge said...

"Low life data entry guy" I see that you're settling into your roid rage rather nicely. And you have no idea what I'm up to...actually I just sit here hitting the refresh button repeatedly till new posts come so I can laugh at your gradual loss of coherence, you're about two steps away from Woodward my friend.

Ron Cut said...

Woodward is the most interesting man in the world and personal friends with Olivia Newton John. His loss of coherence is not even remotely gradual mi amigo. Stay angry my friends.

Anonymous said...

you guys are weird.